1. Introduction
Chandigarh State Agricultural Marketing Board/Market Committee was established in the year 1969 under the Punjab Agricultural Produce Markets Act,1961 with an objective to control and supervise the marketing network of sale,purchase,storage and processing of processed or non processed agricultural produce so notified as per (Annexure-A) from agricultural, animal husbandry and forest produce.
2. Objectives
The agriculture produce in Chandigarh is being regulated under the Punjab Agriculture Produce Markets Act, 1961. The premble of the act is "An act to consolidate and amend the law relating to the better regulation of the purchase, sale, storage and processing of Agricultural produce and the establishment of the markets for Agricultural produces in the state of Punjab. For more informatiion click on More.
3. Organisation
The powers of the Board of Chandigarh State Agricultural marketing Board is conferred with the Administration of Union Territory, Chandigarh, which is further delegated to the Deputy Commissioner-cum- Sectretary, State Agricultural Marketing Board, U.T.,Chandigarh by the Chandigarh Administration vide notification no. 4208 UI FII-(XI)71.
4. Notice Board